Find answers to your questions regarding the Company’s shares.
When and where was Spirent incorporated?
Where are Spirent Ordinary Shares traded?
When was the last AGM and when will the next one be?
Manage your holding of shares
Where are Spirent shares traded?
How can I buy/sell Spirent Ordinary Shares?
How do I work out what my Spirent Ordinary Shares are worth?
I bought shares in Spirent several years ago but can’t remember the price I paid for them. I now need this information to complete my tax return. Where can I get hold of the original share price I paid?
I have more than one Spirent share certificate. Can the holdings be combined?
What is Equiniti?
I want to hold Spirent shares for my children. How do I do this?
How can I transfer my Spirent shares?
Can I donate some or all of my Spirent shares to charity?
Is this a good time to buy/sell Spirent shares?
How do I contact the Company about my shareholding?
Who is the Company’s Registrar and how do I contact them?
Why should I sign up with Equiniti’s Shareview service?
What should I do with my share certificate?
I can’t find my share certificate. What do I need to do?
I have recently moved house. How do I change the address my shareholding is registered to?
I have recently changed my name. How do I change the name my shareholding is registered to?
My partner or relative has passed away. What should I do about their shareholding?
I don’t know how many Spirent shares I hold. How can I find out?
Does Spirent offer an Individual Savings Account (ISA)?
Dividends - General
What is a dividend?
What does “ex-dividend” mean?
What does “record date” mean?
The dividend value is now declared in US Dollars – does that mean I will receive my dividend payment in US Dollars?
When will the next dividend by paid?
How much will the next dividend be?
Dividends - Payment
Can I have my dividends paid directly into my bank/building society account?
I normally have my dividends paid directly into my bank/building society account but have recently changed my bank account details. How do I change where my dividends are paid?
Will I still receive notification of dividend payments if they are paid directly into my bank/building society?
Can I receive my dividends in another currency?
Can I receive my dividends as additional Spirent shares?
I have found an out of date Spirent dividend cheque. What should I do with it?
I have not received my last dividend cheque. Who should I contact?
I have misplaced my dividend cheque/tax voucher. What should I do?
Dividends - Tax
Do I have to pay tax on my dividends?
How long should I keep my dividend tax vouchers?
Can I get replacement dividend tax vouchers?
Who should I speak to for advice on the tax on my shares or dividends?
Manage your holding of ADRs
What is the difference between an ADR and an ADS?
How do I buy or sell Spirent ADRs?
How can I find out how many ADRs I have?
What should I do if I lose an ADR certificate?
How do I change my address?
What is the difference between a registered ADR holder and a beneficial ADR holder?
What is Spirent’s ADR ratio?
How do I convert my ADRs into Ordinary Shares?
In what currency are Spirent ADR dividends paid?
Can my ADR dividend by deposited directly into my bank account?
What should I do if I lose my ADR dividend cheque or tax form?
How would an ADR transaction be taxed?
Are there any UK tax effects associated with my ADR dividends?
Which is Spirent’s depositary bank?
Where are Spirent ADRs traded?
What is Spirent’s CUSIP number?
How can ADR holders vote at shareholder meetings?
What financial information is available to US investors?
Company Mailings
Why do I receive duplicate mailings?
I don’t want to receive paper annual reports. How do I sign up for electronic communications?
I would like to receive Company mailings in paper form. How do I elect to do this?
How can I get a copy of Spirent’s Annual Report?
Why should I use electronic communications?
What should I do if I receive unsolicited telephone calls and/or documents relating to my shareholding in Spirent?